Acque reflue
Lo smaltimento delle acque reflue nei PVS viene effettuato frequentemente senza alcun trattamento e tramite la dispersione incontrollata nel terreno, favorendo la diffusione di malattie infettive causate dagli agenti patogeni contenuti nelle deiezioni umane e animali.
Alcuni Dati
Nel mondo 2,5 miliardi di persone (la metà delle persone che vivono nei PVS) non hanno accesso ad un sistema di collettamento delle acque di scarico.
Copertura del servizio sanitario nelle aree urbane: 79% nel mondo; 100% nei Paesi sviluppati; 71% nei PVS.
Copertura del servizio sanitario nelle aree rurali: 45% nel mondo; 96% nei Paesi sviluppati; 39% nei PVS.
I nostri progetti
Sanitation solutions in climate changing conditions in Jordan (2020-2022) in corso
Reclamation of land and water contaminated by informal productive activities, Colombia (2013-2017) - Scheda progetto
Integrated environmental sanitation concepts for poor, underserved and peri-urban areas of Iringa Municipality, Tanzania (2014-2019) - Scheda progetto
Management, treatment and reuse of waste water in Dakar, Senegal; Phyto-purification study in the Technopole area of Pikine (2016-2017) - Scheda progetto
Treatment of greywater by phytoremediation in the school of Mathare in Nairobi, Kenya (2016-2016)
A sustainable supply chain of sanitation. Market solutions as a response to the problems of access to basic sanitation facilities in the province of Maputo, Mozambique (2014- 2016)
Wastewater treatment from mining in Colombia (2014-2016) - Scheda progetto
Access to sanitation and good hygiene practices in the Commune of Bignona and Transgambienne Senegal (2014-2019)
Management of industrial solid and liquid waste from companies in the Rio Grande Do Sul region, Brazil (2010, 2013-2014)
Wastewater and gray-water management in Moscù district, Ciuad Guyana, Venezuela (2010-2012) - Scheda progetto
Planning water and sanitation interventions in emergency, Petit-Goave e Grand-Goave, Haiti (2010-2011) - Scheda progetto
Integrated water management assessment for a street children school in Nairobi, Kenya (2009)
Water and sanitation needs asssesment for Helwan governorate, Egypt (2009)
Reuse of wastewater in agriculture in Senegal (2001-2008)
Integrated project for sustainable development of the basin area of the river Pojuca, State of Bahia, Brazil (2007)
Recovery and development of the Rwenzori National Park in Uganda (2007)
Wastewater tretment of the Saint Luke's Hospital in Wolisso, Ethiopia (2006)