Acque reflue

Lo smaltimento delle acque reflue nei PVS viene effettuato frequentemente senza alcun trattamento e tramite la dispersione incontrollata nel terreno, favorendo la diffusione di malattie infettive causate dagli agenti patogeni contenuti nelle deiezioni umane e animali.

Alcuni Dati

  • Nel mondo 2,5 miliardi di persone (la metà delle persone che vivono nei PVS) non hanno accesso ad un sistema di collettamento delle acque di scarico.

  • Copertura del servizio sanitario nelle aree urbane: 79% nel mondo; 100% nei Paesi sviluppati; 71% nei PVS.

  • Copertura del servizio sanitario nelle aree rurali: 45% nel mondo; 96% nei Paesi sviluppati; 39% nei PVS.

I nostri progetti

    • Sanitation solutions in climate changing conditions in Jordan (2020-2022) in corso

    • Reclamation of land and water contaminated by informal productive activities, Colombia (2013-2017) - Scheda progetto

    • Integrated environmental sanitation concepts for poor, underserved and peri-urban areas of Iringa Municipality, Tanzania (2014-2019) - Scheda progetto

    • Management, treatment and reuse of waste water in Dakar, Senegal; Phyto-purification study in the Technopole area of Pikine (2016-2017) - Scheda progetto

    • Treatment of greywater by phytoremediation in the school of Mathare in Nairobi, Kenya (2016-2016)

    • A sustainable supply chain of sanitation. Market solutions as a response to the problems of access to basic sanitation facilities in the province of Maputo, Mozambique (2014- 2016)

    • Wastewater treatment from mining in Colombia (2014-2016) - Scheda progetto

    • Access to sanitation and good hygiene practices in the Commune of Bignona and Transgambienne Senegal (2014-2019)

    • Management of industrial solid and liquid waste from companies in the Rio Grande Do Sul region, Brazil (2010, 2013-2014)

    • Wastewater and gray-water management in Moscù district, Ciuad Guyana, Venezuela (2010-2012) - Scheda progetto

    • Planning water and sanitation interventions in emergency, Petit-Goave e Grand-Goave, Haiti (2010-2011) - Scheda progetto

    • Integrated water management assessment for a street children school in Nairobi, Kenya (2009)

    • Water and sanitation needs asssesment for Helwan governorate, Egypt (2009)

    • Reuse of wastewater in agriculture in Senegal (2001-2008)

    • Integrated project for sustainable development of the basin area of the river Pojuca, State of Bahia, Brazil (2007)

    • Recovery and development of the Rwenzori National Park in Uganda (2007)

    • Wastewater tretment of the Saint Luke's Hospital in Wolisso, Ethiopia (2006)